The Intricacies of Kitchen Feng Shui: Unveiling the Art of Renovation - Tikshots

The Intricacies of Kitchen Feng Shui: Unveiling the Art of Renovation

The Intricacies of Kitchen Feng Shui: Unveiling the Art of Renovation

When it comes to the art of home decoration and the principles of Feng Shui, how do people approach the Feng Shui of kitchen renovation? And what exactly are these principles, and how do they apply to kitchen Feng Shui? Let’s delve into it.
Kitchen Feng Shui emphasizes meticulous attention to detail in several aspects:
1. Begin by sketching out the desired layout and shape of cabinets on the kitchen floor plan.
2. Since cabinet fabrication requires ample time, meticulous planning in advance is essential.
3. Opt for drawers in lower cabinets for easy access, while overhead cabinets typically feature multi-tiered compartments ranging from 30 to 40cm wide.
4. Utilize the gap between overhead cabinet platforms for storing cooking utensils.
5. Avoid placing drawers in the corners of cabinets.
6. Embrace enclosed furniture designs to neatly categorize and store various utensils and items.
7. Minimize crevices in the kitchen, as gaps between cabinets and ceilings tend to accumulate condensation and dust over time, posing challenges for daily cleaning routines. Seal gaps around sink pipes and utilize door-mounted storage for waste bins or miscellaneous items.
Regarding material selection during kitchen renovation:
1. Opt for slip-resistant and easy-to-clean ceramic tiles for kitchen flooring, with minimal joints to prevent dirt buildup, facilitating hygienic maintenance. Avoid mosaic tiling for flooring.
2. Choose fire-resistant, heat-resistant, and easy-to-clean materials for kitchen ceilings and walls, such as glazed ceramic tiles and aluminum panel ceilings. The distance between the stove and the sink should neither be too far nor too close. Kitchen renovation materials should be water-resistant. The floor and countertops should not leak or seep water. Wall and ceiling materials should be waterproof and washable.

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Kitchen Feng Shui Do’s and Don’ts:
1. Avoid facing the stove directly when entering the kitchen. The stove represents the source of food and wealth in the household. Direct wind can extinguish the fire, symbolizing the loss of wealth. Therefore, it is not suitable to face the stove directly from the entrance or have it with the back to the window, as this can lead to financial difficulties.
2. The kitchen door should not directly face the main door. The kitchen represents the household’s wealth, while the main door is the entrance for qi. When the main door directly faces the kitchen door, the kitchen’s wealth is exposed, leading to financial difficulties.
3. Avoid placing the kitchen across from the toilet. The kitchen is for preparing food, while the toilet harbors bacteria and waste. Placing them opposite each other can affect hygiene and family health.
4. Avoid having an empty space behind the stove. An empty space behind the stove can attract wind, making the fire unstable and affecting wealth. It is especially bad if there is a window behind the stove.
5. Avoid placing the stove under a beam. Generally, indoor spaces avoid having beams pressing down, and the stove is no exception. Beams pressing down on the stove can affect family health, especially for women who cook. In the realm of Feng Shui, there are several noteworthy taboos concerning kitchen renovation:

1. The kitchen entrance should not directly face the main door. As per the “Three Essentials of Residence,” such an arrangement leads to financial depletion and compromises the mistress’s health, hindering wealth accumulation. The remedy lies in altering the door’s position.

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2. The kitchen entrance should not directly face the bedroom door, as the wafting smoke adversely affects residents, causing dizziness and irritability.

3. Avoid aligning the kitchen entrance with the toilet door. The kitchen symbolizes fire, while the toilet represents water; their juxtaposition disrupts harmony, leading to discord among family members and potential health issues.

4. It’s inauspicious for the kitchen and toilet to share a door, as it promotes imbalance in the household’s elemental forces, particularly detrimental to culinary and sanitary aspects.

5. The kitchen floor should not be elevated above that of the main hall or other rooms to prevent sewage backflow, maintain hierarchical order, and uphold auspicious dining traditions.

6. Avoid positioning the kitchen stove directly facing the balcony walkway, as it signifies a dispersion of wealth and potential health complications like hypertension.

7. Ensure that the kitchen stove does not directly confront the refrigerator or sink, as the refrigerator symbolizes wealth accumulation and preservation, vulnerable to the stove’s antagonistic element of fire, which could lead to health discomfort among family members. The hearth should not be placed beneath horizontal beams: Any area regularly traversed or operated should not be subjected to pressure, especially the platform within the hearth where food is prepared. The passage between the range hood and the stove should not be opened to windows, as it signifies financial leakage and inauspiciousness. The hearth should not lack support behind it: The health, marriage, and reputation of the household’s master should have something to lean on; emptiness behind is undesirable, and it is essential to rely on a solid wall, as a glass wall would be inappropriate. Recommended reading: Kitchen and Bathroom Hygiene.

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