The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Seeking Wealth in Astrology - Tikshots

The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Seeking Wealth in Astrology

The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Seeking Wealth in Astrology

Fortune-seeking Star: Auspicious and Inauspicious Positions


When it comes to the domain of wealth in the realm of Feng Shui, the position of the wealth star within one’s abode is of paramount importance. This auspicious corner, governing the fortune and misfortune of its inhabitants, holds particular significance for merchants, corporations, and enterprises. Harnessing the power of this wealth position to generate prosperity and facilitate growth is a matter of keen interest to many. Hence, a compilation of the auspicious and inauspicious aspects of the wealth star’s position is provided here for the reference of friends.

The Five Auspicious Aspects of the Wealth Position:

Firstly, illumination is auspicious for the wealth position—radiance fosters vitality, suffusing the atmosphere with yang energy. Thus, the presence of sunlight or artificial lighting in the wealth corner is highly beneficial for its flourishing.

Secondly, vitality is auspicious for the wealth position—abundant growth signifies thriving energy. Therefore, adorning the wealth corner with evergreen plants, particularly those with large or thick leaves such as golden pothos, rubber plants, money trees, lucky bamboo, among others, is most fitting.

Thirdly, occupation is auspicious for the wealth position—the wealth corner serves as a convergence point for prosperity and vitality. Utilizing this space effectively, placing a sofa in the wealth corner where family members can gather to relax and converse, allows for a greater infusion of prosperity, naturally leading to affluence and abundance. Additionally, placing the dining table in the wealth corner is also advantageous, as it ensures the prosperity of all household members.

Fourthly, repose is auspicious for the wealth position—considering that one-third of human existence is spent in slumber, the auspiciousness of the sleeping bed’s orientation greatly influences one’s fortunes. The sixth taboo is “obscurity” – the financial position should be bright rather than dark. Brightness brings vitality, while dimness harbors stagnation in wealth. It requires the illumination of a bright lamp to dispel the stagnant financial energy.

See also  Harmonizing Home: The Intriguing Practice of Feng Shui Orientation

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