Adorn with Jade: Enhancing Health and Longevity - Tikshots

Adorn with Jade: Enhancing Health and Longevity

Adorn with Jade: Enhancing Health and Longevity

Wearing jade is not merely for adornment; it also serves to promote one’s well-being. Dating back over two millennia, the Chinese people have utilized jade for medicinal purposes. Ancient medical texts such as “Shennong Bencao Jing” and “Bencao Gangmu” record numerous therapeutic effects of jade, including its ability to alleviate internal heat, relieve restlessness, nourish the heart and lungs, aid vocal cords, nurture hair, support organ health, pacify the spirit, regulate blood circulation, and sharpen sensory acuity. These texts detail 106 methods of using various types of jade for both internal consumption and external application in treating ailments. Moreover, modern biological, physical, and chemical analyses reveal that many types of jade contain over ten beneficial trace elements for the human body, such as gold, silver, silicon, zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, manganese, among others. Jade, being an abundant source of “qi” or vital energy, allows these trace elements to be absorbed through the skin when worn regularly, thereby harmonizing the imbalance of yin and yang, regulating the circulation of vital energy and blood, and promoting health and longevity. For instance, zinc can activate insulin, regulate energy metabolism, maintain immune function, and enhance children’s cognitive development, while also possessing anticancer, anti-malformation, and anti-aging properties. Manganese, on the other hand, combats the damage caused by free radicals, participates in protein and vitamin synthesis, enhances blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, retards aging, and prevents conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, and atherosclerosis. Selenium is an integral component of glutathione peroxidase, catalyzing the reduction of toxic peroxides into harmless hydroxyl compounds, thereby safeguarding biological membranes from harm and exerting an anti-aging effect. Additionally, it mitigates the toxicity of harmful heavy metals such as cadmium and lead in the human body, enhances immune function, boosts the body’s ability to resist diseases, and contributes to cancer prevention and treatment.

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Research conducted by the Department of Biotechnology at Southeast University using modern techniques has revealed that the human body itself generates temperature fields, magnetic fields, and electric fields, thereby forming a “biological information field.” This “biological information field” produces a corresponding spectrum of waves, known as “biological waves.” These waves generate bioelectricity, exhibiting a peculiar phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect.

Scientific instrument tests have shown that jade also exhibits this unique “photoelectric effect.” Slight pressure, cutting, and precision polishing during the finishing process can cause this effect to focus and accumulate energy, forming an “electromagnetic field” that emits far-infrared waves absorbable by the human body. This, in turn, induces strong resonance of water molecules within the body’s cells, providing a gentle massage effect, improving microcirculation, accelerating blood circulation and metabolism, revitalizing cellular tissues, regulating the precise operation of meridian qi and blood, enhancing rapid responses, and boosting the body’s immune function. Hence, as traditional Chinese medicine suggests, “Some diseases cannot be cured by medication alone, yet wearing jade ornaments regularly can heal them,” the rationale lies herein.

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